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A selection of recent books and papers:


Pugh, Allison J. “The Present, Past and Future of Insecurity Culture.” Victor Tan Chen, Sabina Pultz, and Ofer Sharone, eds. Handbook on Unemployment and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Pugh, Allison J. "Connective Labor as Emotional Vocabulary: Inequality, Mutuality and the Politics of Feelings in Care-Work.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Vol. 49, No. 1 (Autumn): 141-164.
Pugh, Allison J.  “Constructing What Counts as Human at Work: Enigma, Emotion and Error in Connective Labor.”  American Behavioral Scientist.  Vol 67: 14: 1771–1792. Special issue on “Automated Labor, Digital Technology, and the New Economy,” edited by Jeremy Schulz and Barry Wellman.

  • Best Paper award, Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS).

Allison J. Pugh and Sarah Mosseri. “Trust-Building versus ‘Just Trust Me’: Reflexivity and Resonance in Ethnography.”  Frontiers in Sociology.  Special Issue on “Ethnography in the Open Science and Digital Age: New Debates, Dilemmas, and Issues,” edited by Colin Jerolmack, Alexandra Murphy and Victoria Reyes.


Pugh, Allison J.  “The Legacy of Relationship.”  In Freeden Blume Oeur and C.J. Pascoe, eds., Gender Replay: On Kids, Schools, and Feminism.  New York:  NYU Press. 

Pugh, Allison J.  2022.  "Emotions and the Systematization of Connective Labor."  Theory, Culture and Society. November 39 (5): 23-42. 

Brooke Dinsmore and Allison J. Pugh. 2021.  "The Paradox of Constrained Well-being: Childhood Autonomy, Surveillance and Inequality."  Sociological Forum. 

Marianne Cooper and Allison J. Pugh. 2020. “Families Across the Income Spectrum: A Decade in Review.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 82 (1): 272-299. 

Pugh, Allison J.  2018.  “Understanding Inequality: Children, Consumer Culture and the Empathy Framework,” in Michelle Janning, ed., Contemporary Parenting and Parenthood: From News Stories to New Research. Praeger Press. 

Pugh, Allison J., ed.  2016.  Beyond the Cubicle: Job Insecurity, Intimacy and the Flexible Self.  New York:  Oxford University Press.   

Pugh, Allison J.  2015.  The Tumbleweed Society:  Working and Caring in an Age of Insecurity.  New York:  Oxford University Press.  

Pugh, Allison J.  2014.  “The Theoretical Costs of Ignoring Childhood: Rethinking Independence, Insecurity and Inequality.” Theory and Society.  January 2014, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp 71-89.  

Pugh, Allison J.  2014.  “The Divining Rod of Talk: Emotions, Contradictions and the Limits of Research.”  (Reply to comment by Stephen Vaisey).  American Journal of Cultural Sociology.  Vol. 2, Issue 1 (February): 159-163. 

Pugh, Allison J.  2013.  “The Planned Obsolescence of Other People:  Consumer Culture and Connections in a Precarious Age.”  Culture and Organization v 19 (4): 297-313. 

Pugh, Allison J. 2013.  “What Good Are Interviews for Thinking About Culture? Demystifying Interpretive Analysis.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Vol. 1 Issue 1 (February): 42-68. 

Pugh, Allison J.  2012.  “To Raise the Flexible Child: Lessons of Commitment and Betrayal in Post‐industrial Insecurity.”   In Ute Eickelkamp, ed., Online Proceedings of the symposium ‘Young Lives, Changing Times: Perspectives on Social Reproduction.’ Sydney: University of Sydney 8 – 9 June 2011.  

Pugh, Allison J.  2011.  “Distinction, Boundaries or Bridges?: Children, Inequality and the Uses of Culture.”  Poetics.  39 (1) February: 1-18.   

Pugh, Allison J.  2011.  “Consumption as Care and Belonging:  Economies of Dignity in Children’s Daily Lives.”   In Anita Garey and Karen Hansen, eds.  At the Heart of Work and Family: Engaging the Concepts of Arlie Hochschild.  New Brunswick, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.  
(Reprinted in Susan Ferguson, ed., Shifting the Center:  Understanding Contemporary Families  (Fourth Edition) New York: McGraw-Hill).  

Silva, Jennifer and Allison J. Pugh. 2010.  "Beyond the Depleting Model of Parenting:  Narratives of Childrearing and Change." Sociological Inquiry 80 (4)  November:  605-627.  

Selected publications 2009 and before
Pugh, Allison J.  2009.  Longing and Belonging:  Parents, Children and Consumer Culture. Berkeley, CA:  University of California Press.  

Pugh, Allison J.  2005.  “Selling Compromise:  Toys, Motherhood and the Cultural Deal.”  Gender & Society 19:729-749. (December).  

Pugh, Allison J.  2004.  “Windfall Childrearing:  Low-Income Care and Consumption.”   Journal of Consumer Culture  4 (2):  229-249  (July) (Reprinted in Coontz, Stephanie. 2008.  American Families: A Multicultural Reader.  New York:  Routledge).   

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